BSTI is the National Enquiry Point. There is an internal committee on WTO affairs in BSTI and it participates in the notification activities to WTO through the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Industries.
Link to BSTI: WTO-TBT activities in BSTI
To make an enquiry, Click Here.
The basic rules governing food safety and animal and plant health standards are covered by the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
SPS measures are those that are used to protect human, animal, or plant life or health from risks that come from the spread of pests and diseases, or from additives, toxins, or contaminants found in food, beverages, or feedstuffs.
The SPS Agreement requires that WTO members establish a national “Enquiry Point" to answer enquiries from other members regarding the technical requirements and SPS-related measures for products sold in their countries.
To make an enquiry, Click Here