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Export Incentives in Textiles Sector (September 16, 2015)

Type: Circular
Issuing Agency: Bangladesh Bank
Responsible Agency: Bangladesh Bank
Issuing Date: 15-08-2015

Foreign Exchange Policy Department

Bangladesh Bank


Sept 16, 2015

Export Subsidy/Cash Incentives for Export in RMG Sector in the FY 2015/16

To encourage export the government of Bangladesh shall provide export incentives /cash subsidies of the sixteen items from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. However, total rate of incentives of RMG sector shall be maximum 10% if the bellow three sectors become eligible to get incentives.


Name of the Exportable Items

Rate (%)


Domestic textiles (except Bond/warehouse)



Small and Medium Entrepreneur in textiles Sector



New Product/New Market (RMG) Except USA/Canada/EU


Note: Please find attached  original circular  in Bengali

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