The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

Permanent Order to conduct the activities of EPZs-2014

Type: SROs
Issuing Agency: Customs Commissionerate
Responsible Agency: Customs Commissionerate
Issuing Date: 28-08-2014



Customs Bond Commissionerate

342/1Segunbagicha Dhaka-1000



Permanent Order No- 01/2014 Date: 28-08-2014


Subject: Permanent order to conduct the activities of Dhaka EPZ East,  Dhaka EPZ West & Adamjee EPZ

Customs Bond Commissionerate issued this permanent order to bring coordination & ensure the smooth accomplishment of  the activities of subject mentioned three EPZs. The Order is comprised of following 27 chapters.



Chapter Title  

Chapter  01


Chapter  02

General Bond Perform

Chapter  03

In to Bond & X-Bond

Chapter  04

Transfer of temporary commodities & raw material bond

Chapter  05

Permanent Bond Transfer

Chapter  06

Import-Export Customs Procedures

Chapter  07

Goods import in EPZ area

Chapter  08

Entering goods from local tariff area into EPZ

Chapter  09

Good export from EPZ area

Chapter  10

Re-export or Ship Back 

Chapter 11

Special activities

Chapter 12

Annual Audit

Chapter  13

Temporary Machineries Placement 

Chapter  14

Old Machineries resolution

Chapter  15

Management of export-defected goods

Chapter  16

Commissionerate Management

Chapter  17

Waste Management

Chapter  18

Sample Supply

Chapter  19

Energy Supply

Chapter  20

Machineries Repair

Chapter  21

Lien Bank bond

Chapter  22

Lien Bank change

Chapter  23

Lien Bank branch change

Chapter  24

Ownership Change

Chapter  25

Factory Transfer

Chapter  26

Factory Expansion

Chapter  27

Functions of Customs Officials







Important Issues of  the Permanent order to conduct the activities of Dhaka EPZ East,  Dhaka EPZ West & Adamjee EPZ



Temporary Bond Registration can be received subject to the approval of Customs Authority. 

Required procedures to receive Temporary Bond Registration

1.     Final Bond License must be received within 1 year

2.     If any entity fails to receive within 1 year then Commissioner can extend time to more 6 months

3.     Bonded Warehouse Licensing Rules - 2008 shall be followed to issue Bond License


General Bond

The entity has to prepare BDT 2,000 Non-Judicial stamp. It can be performed for 1-3 years.


Commissionerate Management

In exercise of the power, conferred by the the Section 19 of Customs Act-1969, Article 14 of VAT Act-1991, Rules 17A of Income Tax Rules- 1984 and Article 7 of Finance Act-1997, the Government rebates all additional duties, VAT, SD, AVT & Infrastructure Development Surcharge except 15% Customs Duty on imported Foods, Cigarette & Drinks to be sold to foreign investors & their foreign official/technician by the BEPZA Commissionerate.

As per the SROs-377-Law/2013/2471/Customs Dated 08.12.2013, Following new schedule has been published.

Particular of goods

Monthly entitlement of a privileged person or of each member of his or her family

Conditions of Import and Purchase

Articles of foodstuff medicine and other consumable stores

Upto a CIF value of [US$ 120.00]

The total value of goods either imported on duty-free basis or purchased from the diplomatic onded warehouse of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation by a privileged person shall not exceed the value mentioned in column 2.

Alcoholic Beverage, Liquor and Tobacco.

Upto a CIF value of [US$ 200.00]

The total value of goods either imported on duty-free basis or purchased from any type of diplomatic bonded warehouse by a privileged person shall not exceed the value mentioned in column 2.


Note: Please find attached original rules in Bengali


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