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Radiation Testing Fees for Imported Milk and Milk Products

Type: SROs
Issuing Agency: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Responsible Agency: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)
Issuing Date: 21-09-1998

Ministry of Science and Technology

May 25, 1998

Radiation testing Fees for importing food items including milk and milk products


The radiation testing fees for importing food items including milk and milk products under the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control Rules -1993, are given below

1. Milk and Milk Products


CIF Value



Up to TK 10,000,00

0.5 % but not less than Tk 500


From TK 10,000,01 to TK 100,000,00

0,25 %


From TK 10,000,001 to TK 250,000,00

0.15 %


From TK 25,000,001 to TK 500,000,00

0.1 %


From TK 50,000,001 to TK 10,00,000,00



More than  10,000,0001



2. Other food items: The testing fees of the other food items shall be fifty percent of the above rate


Note: Please find attached  original circular in Bengali


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