Bangladesh Gazette
Thursday, July 22, 1999
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Veterinary Medicinal Products Imports
Imports of veterinary medicinal products shall be followed the following laws and regulations:
1. Ministry of Finance (Internal Resources Division) on June 6, 013 notification light of the importers of poultry or cattle registered by the Department of Animal Health of the company or institution or animal feed for poultry and livestock to be manufactured.
2. Act No. 010 of the feed and fodder law in accordance with Article 6 of the Law of the Department of Livestock Import / raptanikarakake license to be taken.
3. Rules of fodder (Rule 3 (1) in accordance with the schedule for the import license application to the Department of Livestock 11 Form II and Form -5 according to the schedule of obtaining a license for the import of livestock products of the importer may be able to apply adhiptare .
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