The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

NBR Guidelines to import Veterinary Medicinal products

Type: Rules
Issuing Agency: Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Responsible Agency: Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Issuing Date: 06-06-2013
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Finance
Internal Resource Unit
(Customs and Value Added Tax)
June 06, 2013
SRO No. – 147-law/2013/2434/Customs- Customs Act 1969 (Act IV of 1969)
Importation of Fish and Animal Feeds – summary of requirements:
The importer must be listed as Dairy Firm or Animal Health Company by the due authority of the Ministry of fisheries and livestock.
An approval certificate from the Institute of Livestock must be submitted to the relevant tax commissioner stating the quantity of imported goods to be used as animal food.
Packaging of imported animal feeds must have a declaration printed on it stating – ‘This is only for use in animal, poultry or fisheries food.’
Prior to importation, the importer must submit to the NBR technical literature and a chemical analysis of the product to be imported. If NBR feels it necessary, they may conduct tests on the product in their own laboratories or request that testing be conducted by the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
The department of livestock will monitor whether the imported goods were used properly and as expected.
HS codes of few major products have been listed here:
Heading No.
H.S Code
Coral and similar materials, Simply prepared (Poultry feed grade): Oyster shell
Products of fish or crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic invertebrates, dead animals (fish meal unfit for human consumers)
Flours and meals of Soybeans
Vegetable fats
Active yeasts
Inactive yeasts: other single-cell micro-organisms
Poultry/ Dairy/ Fish Feed supplement


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