The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

Customs Act, 1969 Repeal the Bill and bring it newly after doing modernization.

Updated on : 12-11-2023

Customs Act, 1969 Repeal the Bill and bring it newly after doing modernization.

The Bill, which has been brought up-to-date by repealing the Customs Act, 1969, has been introduced in the National Parliament on 25th October, 2023. Since it is expedient and necessary to repeal the Customs Act, 1969 and make it anew, this it will be called Customs Act,2023. This Act shall come into force on such date as may be fixed by the Government by notification in the Official Gazette.

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TBT2024-09-01 07:22:22
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SPS2024-09-01 07:14:22
TBT2024-09-01 07:11:59
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SPS2024-09-01 07:02:11
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