Plant Protection Wing
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)
Ministry of Agriculture
Khamarbari, Farmgate
Dhaka- 1215
Import Permit for Plant and Plants products
DAE issues import permit as per the Destructive Insect and Pests Act-1914 to import the Plant & Plant Material mentioned bellow under the following conditions
1. Name & Quantity of materials
2. Name of exporting country
3. Country of Origin
4. Point of Entry
1. The consignment should be accompanied with a valid Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the proper authority form the country of origin declaring the plants and plants materials are free from injurious insect pest and disease or rendered so by effective treatment.
2. on arrival of the consignment, it will be examined by Plant Quarantine official stationed at the point of entry and will be released after treatment/fumigation, if required. The importer will bear all relevant expenses for such treatment.
3. This permit will remain valid for three months from the date of issue.
Note: Please find attached original Import Permit Form
For any clarification, Applicant is suggested to contact to
Director, Plant Protection Wing
Department of Agricultural Extension
Khamarbari, Farmgate
Dhaka- 1215