The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

BTP and Its Stakeholders

Bangladesh Trade Portal

The Bangladesh Trade Portal is a one-stop point for information relating to export from and import into Bangladesh. Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, the portal provides an accessible, logical, helpful window for traders to access important regulatory and procedural information needed to export and import. The portal is an important step for the government toward improving the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes. This is in line with the government’s commitment to facilitate information sharing, the 7th Five Year Plan which focuses on accelerating economic growth, as well as compliance with Article 1 of the Trade Facilitation Agreement with the World Trade Organization.  
The portal is hosted by the Ministry of Commerce on behalf of all the government agencies involved in the import/export processes. The following are the agencies or organizations represented on this website. If you require further information specifically for one of these agencies you can view each agency's own website by following the links below:

Chief Adviser's Office

The Chief Adviser's Office is the office of the Head of the Government of Bangladesh. It provides administrative, secretarial, and financial assistance to the Chief Adviser, and is also involved with the country’s intelligence and security services, the promulgation of laws/ policies, matters related to investment, exports, NGO affairs, and activities of the Chief Adviser.
For more details, please visit:

Ministry of Finance

The ministry is responsible for state finance, including the state budget, taxation, and economic policy in Bangladesh. It is led by the Finance Minister of Bangladesh.
For more details, please visit

Ministry of Commerce

The Ministry of Commerce of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh is responsible for trade and commerce-related activities within Bangladesh and internationally. The major functions of the Ministry of Commerce are promotion and regulation of internal commerce, administration of the Bangladeshi Companies Act, Partnership Act, 1932, Societies Registration Act, 1860 and the Trade Organisations Ordinance, 1961, control and Organisation of the Bangladeshi Chamber of Commerce, administration of Price Advising Boards, export policies including protocols, treaties agreements, and conventions bearing on trade with foreign countries. sate Trading, international commodity agreements, export promotion including administration of export credit guarantee scheme, administration of Commercial Wings in Bangladesh missions abroad and appointment of officers and staff thereof and administration and control of subordinate offices and organizations under this Ministry.

 For more details, please visit:

Ministry of Industries

The Ministry of Industries is primarily responsible for developing new policies and strategies for promotion, expansion, and sustainable development of the industrial sector of the country. The Ministry of Industries acts as a facilitator of the private sector with a view to creating increased industrial activities in the country.

For more details, please visit:

National Board of Revenue

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is the central authority for tax administration in Bangladesh. Administratively, it is under the Internal Resources Division of the Ministry of Finance.

The main responsibility of NBR is to collect domestic revenue (primarily, Import Duties and Taxes, VAT, and Income Tax ) for the government. Other responsibilities include administration of all matters related to taxes, duties, and other tax producing fees. Under the overall control of IRD, NBR administers the Excise, VAT, Customs and Income-Tax services

For more details, please visit:

Ministry of Home Affairs

The Ministry of Home Affairs is mainly responsible for the maintenance of internal security and domestic policy. Besides it works to ensure the security to life and property, conduct rescue operations, investigate criminal cases, fights criminals, and curb crimes and militancy. It contains two divisions, Public Security Division and Security Service Division. For more details, please visit bellow link:

Ministry of Home Afairs:

Public Security Division:

Security Services Division:

Ministry of Shipping

The Ministry of Shipping encompasses within its fold shipping and port sectors which include national waterways, inland water transport, ports, ocean shipping, safety, and environmental matters, and the regulatory aspects of maritime shipping and maritime education. The ministry is responsible for formulating policies and plans on these subjects and the facilitation of the implementation of various projects. This ministry also supports the maintenance and expansion of viable, efficient, and water-dependent transportation and communication systems as the cheapest way of economic activities in both rural & urban areas.

For more details, please visit:

Ministry of Agriculture 

The function of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is to develop agricultural policies, plans, regulations, acts, etc. for sustainable agricultural development and for food sufficiency, provide support in developing new agricultural technologies to boost up agricultural production, and coordinate with local and international trade agencies for marketing, monitor implementation of agricultural policies, plans, projects, programs and regulations, monitor distribution of agricultural inputs and subsidies and marketing of the agricultural products in local and international markets, provide administrative and policy support to MOA agencies for the planning and implementation of the development programs/projects and coordinate with donors and development partners for funding and technical assistance.

For more details, please visit:

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock works to promote the development of fishery and livestock sectors. The major functions of the ministry are the preparation of schemes and co-ordination of national policy in respect of fisheries, prevention, and control of fish diseases, utilization of fish and fish wastes and development of fisheries resources and fishing, improvement and augmentation of aquaculture, and cultivation of pink pearls and all matters relating to Marine Fisheries including permission for acquisition, licensing and monitoring of the operation of fishing vessels including Factory Ship.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Bank

The Bangladesh Bank performs all the functions that a central bank in any country is expected to perform. Such functions include maintaining price stability through economic and monetary policy measures, managing the country's foreign exchange and gold reserve, and regulating the banking sector of the country. Like all other central banks, Bangladesh Bank is both the government's banker and the banker's bank, a "lender of last resort". Bangladesh Bank, like most other central banks, exercises a monopoly over the issue of currency and banknotes. Except for the one, two, and five taka notes and coins, it issues all other denominations of Bangladeshi taka. 

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)

Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) is the principal private investment promotion and facilitation agency of Bangladesh. The act mandated BIDA for providing diversified promotional and facilitating services with a view to accelerating the industrial development of the country. BIDA’s present functions include me) Investment Promotion, ii)  Investment Facilitation, and iii) Policy Advocacy. 

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority

The BEPZA is the official organ of the government to promote, attract and facilitate foreign investment in the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZs). Besides, BEPZA as the competent Authority performs inspection & supervision of the compliances of the enterprises related to social & environmental issues, safety & security at the workplace in order to maintain harmonious labor-management & industrial relations in EPZs. The primary objective of an EPZ is to provide special areas where potential investors would find a congenial investment climate free from cumbersome procedures.

For  more details, please visit:

  Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau

The Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh, is a government agency operating under the Ministry of Commerce. Its task is the promotion of exports from Bangladesh and create a climate that supports export activities. It is also tasked with coordinating export development efforts, formulating and promoting the adoption of policies and programs to promote Bangladeshi exports, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating national export performance and analyzing export trends, carrying out promotional activities to promote product development & to supporting the expansion of supply-side capacity and exploring markets abroad.

For  more details, please visit: 

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)

The Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) was established in February 1973 to promote the peaceful application of nuclear energy in the fields of Food, Agriculture, Health, Industry, and Environment. It is also tasked with ensuring the safe use of nuclear energy and technology and monitors and promotes radiation safety nationwide. The BAEC also manages nuclear Research and Development programs on behalf of the Bangladeshi government and the development of indigenous nuclear expertise. Click here for Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Citizen Services, procedure, and fees

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA)

The Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) is a division of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). Specifically, BAERA is tasked with the implementation and monitoring of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Act (2012) and the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control (NSRC) Rules-1997. The aim of these acts and their associated rules is the effective monitoring and regulation of nuclear technology within Bangladesh. BAERA devises, adopts, makes, and enforces such rules, regulations, orders, or codes of practice within Bangladesh’s nuclear industries. BAERA actively promotes the adoption of national radiation protection standards nationwide and is tasked with the development of applicable codes and guidelines for specific areas of nuclear technology including nuclear medicine, industrial radiography, and installations using radioactive materials. It also plans, develops, and executes comprehensive policies and programs for the protection of life, health, property, and environment against the risk of ionizing radiation, and regulates the radiation as well as nuclear safety aspects.

For more details, please visit:

Department of Environment

The Department of Environment ensures sustainable environmental governance to help secure a clean and healthy environment. Through the fair and consistent application of environmental rules and regulations; guiding, training, and promoting awareness of environmental issues; and through sustainable action on critical environmental problems that demonstrate practical solutions and that galvanize public support and involvement.

For more details, please visit:

Department of Agricultural Extension

The mission of the Department of Agricultural Extension is to provide efficient and effective needs-based extension services to all categories of farmers, to enable them to optimize their use of resources in order to promote sustainable agricultural and socio-economic development.

For more details, please visit:

ICT Division

Vission: Establishment of a prosperous Sonar Bangla through reliable cyber access at the grassroots level, development of IT based human resources, export-oriented development of IT industry and the use of citizen-friendly IT technology.

Activity: Formulation and modernization of national policies and regulations on information and technology and providing assistance in practical activities related to information and communication technology of various ministries / divisions and agencies.Implementation with recommendations of National Task Force on Information and Communication Technology. Take initiative, to conduct research, development and expansion in various sectors of information and communication technology. Formulation of necessary policies and guidelines to make information and communication technology services accessible to the people through commercialization, creation of skilled manpower, increase of public awareness and monitoring of implementation;

For more details, please visit:


strive to unfold the true potential within the government to create remarkable innovations that can ease and improve the lives of citizens. As the flagship programme of the Digital Bangladesh agenda, we hope to inspire developing and developed nations on public service innovation and transformation by sharing our groundbreaking insights supported by examples, lessons, and knowledge

For more details, please visit:

Road Transport And Highways Division

Mission:  To build sustainable, safe and quality highway network and integrated modern mass transport system in order to improve socio-economic condition of the people through development and expansion, repair, rehabilitation and maintenance of highways.

Major Functions: Repair, rehabilitate and maintain the highway network; Improve and expand the national, regional highways and zilla roads; Adopt and accomplish economically important highway projects; Introduce and operate digital motor vehicle management system; Ensure road safety; Introduce and operate integrated mass rapid transit system;Provide passenger and cargo services on domestic and international routes;Encourage Public Private Partnership (PPP) in road transport sector;

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Tea Board

Bangladesh Tea Board is an organization formed for the purpose of enacting, regulating and promoting tea cultivation and sale laws. The board was constituted in 1977 under the Tea Ordinance. The company not only produces and sells tea but also contributes significantly to the development of new tea gardens, improving the living standards of tea growers and tea garden workers.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Land Port Authority

The activities of the Bangladesh Land Port Authority includes formulating policy for development, management expansion, operation, and maintenance of all land ports; engaging operators for receiving, maintaining, and dispatching cargoes at land ports; preparing a Schedule of tariffs, tolls, rates, and fees chargeable to the port users having prior approval of the government; executing contracts with any person to fulfill the objectives of the Act. See Landport related documents

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission(BTTC)
The Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission (BTTC) is a statutory organization of the government and exists to protect the interests of local industries facing unfair competition from foreign firms. Any matter relating to the protection of or assistance to, domestic industries or efficient use of resources in any industry may be referred to the Commission by the government or the business community for recommendations and appropriate course of action. The Commission also advises the government on competition in industrial production; encourages efficient use of resources in the economy and works to obtain greater market access for Bangladeshi products through bilateral, regional, and multilateral trade agreements. The BTC is also tasked with taking remedial measures against dumping and other unfair trade practices in respect of imports into Bangladesh. The Commission is obliged to look into any matter referred to by the government.

The BTC is the designated authority to investigate complaints of dumping, the importation of subsidized products, and safeguard measures for sudden import surges. It has the statutory authority to recommend the imposition of antidumping duties in cases of importation of products at dumped prices and countervailing measures in cases of importation of subsidized products. It can also recommend safeguard measures against any sudden surge of imports. The Commission offers advice and assistance in the event Bangladeshi exports are threatened with or actually affected by the imposition of contingency measures in overseas markets.

For more details, please visit:

Department of Explosives

It is an attached Department of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Bangladesh. The Department of Explosives is the administrative authority for questions relating to commercial explosives, flammables, and unfired pressure vessels.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Directorate General of Drug Administration

The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) is a division of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It performs the function of a Drug Regulatory Authority within Bangladesh and supervises and implements all of Bangladesh’s Drug Regulations. The DGDA also advises the Drug and Medicines Licensing Authority and makes recommendations to the authority on matters related to drugs and medicines.

For more details, please visit:

Office of the Chief Controller of Exports and Imports (CCI&E )

The CCI&E plays a significant role in the trade policy formulation of Bangladesh. The main objectives of the project are to promote national trade and generate more revenue for the government. By proper monitoring and supervising the rules and regulations of the trade policy, the government can improve the imports and exports activities of the country. The agency is currently assisting the Ministry of Commerce in the formulation and implementation of the Import Policy Order and suggestions for changes/modifications where necessary. It is also issuing registration certificates to importers, exporters, and inventors, It issues export permits, export-cum-import permits, import permits on a returnable basis. Besides, It also issues import permits and clearance permits where goods are imported without opening L/C under the provision of IPO. It gives decisions regarding clearance of goods imported in violation of any provision of the Import Policy Order (IPO), and facilitates the settlement of disputes relating to trade & commerce. Click here for more details

Chittagong Port Authority 

The Port of Chittagong is the principal seaport of Bangladesh and handles about 92% of the import-export trade of the country. The Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) is a basic services provider to the shipping industry and focuses on providing necessary services and facilities to the port users efficiently and effectively at a competitive price.

For more details, please visit:

Mongla Port Authority

Mongla Port is one of the three sea ports of Bangladesh and is the most eco-friendly port. It is situated on the south western part of the country at  the confluence of Possur river and Mongla Nulla approximately 71 Nautical miles upstrem of the bay of bengal. It is located at Lat 21°26.9' N Long 89°34.4' E in the bay of bengal.The Port is well protected by the largest mangrove forest sunderbans, which has been declared as "World Heritage" in 1977 by UNESCO. Since 1950, Chalna Port started  to function as Government Directorate and in may 1977, the directorate was concerted to an autonomous organaization called Chalna Port Authrity. The Chalna Port Authority was again renamed as "Mongla Port Authority" on 8th March 1987.

For more details, please visit:

Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection

Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection perfoms following activity: 1. Consumer rights protection and awareness raising; 2. Public hearings and dispute resolution; 3. Protecting consumer interests through public awareness and market supervision; 4. Investigation and disposal of consumer complaints; And 5. Organizing public hearings and meetings / seminars.

For more details, please visit:

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies And Firms (RJSC)

The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) is the sole authority which facilitates formation of companies etc.; and keeps track of all ownership related issues as prescribed by the laws in Bangladesh. The Registrar is the authority of the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh.

The business of RJSC is -

  1. To incorporate Companies (including Trade Organization), Societies and Partnership Firms under the respective Companies Act 1994, Societies Registration Act 1860 and Partnership Act 1932, and
  2. To administer and enforce the relevant statutory provisions of these acts in relation to the incorporated companies (including Trade Organization), societies and partnership firms.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI)

Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), the only National Standards body of Bangladesh, is playing an important role in developing and Promoting Industrial Standardization. BSTI is entrusted with the responsibility of formulation of national Standards of industrial, food, and chemical products keeping in view the regional and international standards. It is responsible for the quality control of the products which are ensured as per specific national standards made by the technical committees formed by BSTI. The agency is also responsible for the implementation of the metric system and overseeing the accuracy of weights and measures in the country.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI)

Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI) is a non-profit research and training institution. Founded in 2003, it traces its inception to the concept of public-private partnership (PPP) between the Ministry of Commerce (MoC), Government of Bangladesh and the private sector. Its prime focus is on research, education, training and policy advocacy on international trade-related issues. The beneficiaries of the institute comprise both the public and private sectors, engaged in trade-related activities.

For more details, please visit:

Office of The Chief Inspector of Boilers
Mission of the Office of The Chief Inspector of Boilers is to quality boiler manufacturing and safety ensuring through inspection and testing and operation of boilers by boiler attendants. For more details, please visit:

Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB)

Objectives:  To build up buffer stock to maintain consistency between
supply and demand. To supply essential commodities at affordable price to the consumers.

For more details, please visit:

SME Foundation

The Small & Medium Enterprise Foundation, widely known as SME Foundation, is a company limited by guarantee and licensed by the Ministry of Commerce as a not for profit organization and registered under the Companies Act (Act XXVIII) of 1994. It is running under the guideline as stated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. SME Foundation is established by the Government of Bangladesh through Ministry of Industries as an apex institution for SME development in the country. The major activities of SME Foundation are implementation of SME Policy Strategies adopted by the Bangladesh Government, policy advocacy and intervention for the growth of SMEs, facilitating financial supports for SMEs, providing skill development and capacity building training, facilitating adaptation with appropriate technologies and access to ICT, providing business support services, etc. It is mentionable here that the Foundation is working for the development of enterprises and entrepreneurs who belong to micro, small and medium categories as per Industrial Policy 2016. Besides the general supports to the development of SMEs and entrepreneurs the Foundation is providing diversified supports to the existing and potential women entrepreneurs in order to position them into the mainstream business community.

 For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) exists to protect and promote the interests of the Bangladesh Garment industry. It maintains liaison with foreign buyers, business associations, and Chambers of Commerce, organizes trade missions to explore new markets and to facilitate trade in existing markets, organizes seminars for recommendations of government policies, promotes activities and projects to ensure workers’ rights, social and environmental compliance and welfare.

For more details, please visit:

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA)

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BKMEA) was formed in 1996 to promote the interests of the knitwear industry. Today it is an association of about 1700 knitwear manufacturers and exporters and together they represent the largest export earning sector of the country.BKMEA provides some services to its members. These are product & market promotion, social compliance, Research & development, productivity improvement arbitration, one-stop service point regarding up/up, and other necessary services in the shortest possible time.

For more details, please visit:

Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI), was established in 1958 under the companies Act 1913. Its membership consists of industrial conglomerates, manufacturers, importers, exporters, and traders mostly of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The main objectives of DCCI are to promote private sector enterprises and businesses with advocacy, awareness, and policy inputs to the government.

For more details, please visit:

Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA)

Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) has been formed under the provision on Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority Act 2010 on 26th January in 2011. Government of Bangladesh has enacted the Insurance Act 2010 to develop and regulate the insurance business. IDRA has established for the purpose of supervising the insurance business and safeguarding the interest of policy holder. The authority is working for the systematic development and regulation of insurance industry with a view to implement the 'The National Insurance Policy 2014.

For more details, please visit:

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) is the apex trade organization of Bangladesh playing a pivotal role in consultative and advisory capacity, safeguarding the interest of the private sector. Since 1970 and onwards and following the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept pioneering chamber started a revolution to the 3rd generation of chambers. As the representative of the private sector, they deemed to be more responsible for the overall negative externalities of economic activities. So, the 3rd generation chamber became “Society Oriented” and this path of Chamber, Chamber 3.0 executed some initiatives of CSR activities promotion, some part in environment campaign, Youth Enabling, Women Empowerment Project, and many others appear in charity activities.

For more details, please visit:

Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dhaka (MCCI)

Founded in 1904, the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dhaka (MCCI) is the oldest and the pre-eminent trade organization of Bangladesh.  Its membership roll encompasses leading commercial and large industrial organizations of the country, including public sector corporations and local as well as multinational companies. Presently, almost all major enterprises of the manufacturing and service sector are among its members. The Chamber provides a wide range of professional services to its members.

The Chamber’s services, developed over a long period, are comprehensive and cover specialized areas such as taxation, import-export, tariff and non-tariff measures, investment, WTO matters and other national and international economic and commercial concerns. The Chamber maintains a secretariat manned by professional staff. It offers secretarial services to the Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF), the lone national level organization of employers in the country dealing with industrial relations, occupational safety and health, workplace cooperation, skills development, labor law and other labor-related issues.

For more details, please visit:


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