The Ministry of Commerce has included 31 types of work related to trade and commerce in the Rules of Business of the Government. These activities are mainly to keep the domestic trade going and expand, to control the import trade, to keep the price situation normal and tolerable, to expand the export market of goods and services, to communicate with various international trade related organizations and to negotiate for export interests. Execution of bilateral and multilateral agreements, determination of product tariffs, trade research activities, data protection, administrative control of BCS (trade) cadre officers, etc. The Ministry of Commerce has a number of subordinate departments / agencies to manage these activities. These are:
Vission: Creating a significant competitive position in world trade
Mission: Contribute to national development by creating a business-friendly environment, facilitating trade, facilitating export growth, diversifying export products and markets, increasing capacity in foreign trade, ensuring supply of daily necessities and stabilizing commodity prices.
Allocation of Business of the Ministry is given below:
· Promotion and regulation of internal commerce.
· Commercial intelligence and statistics and publications thereof.
· Companies Act, Partnership Act, 1932, Societies Registration Act, 1860 and the Trade Organisations
Ordinance, 1961.
· Control and Organisation of Chamber of Commerce.
· Price Advising Boards.
· Accountancy including Chartered Accountancy.
· Cost and management Accountancy.
· Matter relating to vested and abandoned commercial properties.
· Commercial Monopolies.
· Price Control.
· Export policies including protocols, treaties agreements and conventions bearing on trade with foreign
· Review export policies and programmes.
· Regulation and control of import trade and policies thereof.
· Trade delegation to and from abroad, overseas trade, exhibitions and trade representation in
consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
· Purchase and supply of internal and external stores.
· Transit trade through Bangladesh.
· State Trading.
· International Commodity Agreements .
· Export promotion including administration of export credit guarantee scheme.
· Tariff commission, tariff policy, tariff valuation, commonwealth tariff Preference, general and
international agreements on tariff.
· International trade organization including UNCTAD and GATT.
· European Economic Community.
· Quality control, standardization and marking of the agricultural products/animals products for the
purpose of export.
· Administration of Commercial Wings in Bangladesh missions abroad and appointment of officers and
staff thereof.
· Administration of B.C.S (Trade).