The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

Bonded Warehouse License

View Procedure

Procedure NameBonded Warehouse License


Category                                             : License

Renewal Frequency of the License  : 2 Years

Issuing Ministry                                 : National Board of Revenue  

Issuing Authority/Incumbent Office:  Customs Bond Commissionerate


Customs Bond Commissionerate

342/1, Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000


Fax: +880-2-9341076

Tel: 88-02-9347000



Required Documents to issue the Bonded Warehouse License



Documents Titles



Application on Standard Format with appropriate revenue stamp 



BIDA/BSCIS Registration and BIDA Recommendation 



Company TIN and Certified copy of wealth statement issued by Income Tax Department (IT-10B) for all directors/owners  



Trade License  



Fire License   



VAT Registration Certificate (Business Identification Number -BIN)



Recommendation by concern business association. If applicant is not member

of association, he can apply without recommendation for Bond License

If applicable


Name, Designation, present and permanent address, signature and photo attached/put on non-judicial stamp of value BDT 300/- of owner/directors

It should be duly notarized by competent authority and be attested by the lien bank(s)


Boiler certificate

If applicable


One original copy of Memorandum and Article of Association and Certificate of

Incorporation issued by RJSC

If applicant is a company


Purchase document for machinery. Invoice and Bills of Entry for import and VAT invoice (Challan) for local purchase.



Two copies of layout plan of factory

It could be ammonia printed and duly signed by registered engineer.


Deed of land/space ownership or Duly notarized Rental deed

In case of rental space


Affidavit (Halafnama) to follow the law, rules and procedures on non-judicial stamp of value BDT 300/- by Managing Director/Proprietor/Sole Partner.

It could be duly notarized by competent authority


Certificate from lien bank(s) that the applicant has financial strength to submit General Bond of appropriate amount of money



License fee of BDT 50,000/ + 15% Vat




1. License fee to be deposited to the treasury in Account Code: 1/1136/0005/1854

2. General Bond to be printed on non-judicial stamp of value BDT 2000/- after approval

of license.

3. 15% VAT is applicable on license fee. It could be deposited in the treasury using

Account code of the concern VAT Comissionerate under which the applicant is

registered for VAT. For further assistance, please visit: www.nb



Process Steps


Step 1

 Collect or download Bond License Application form.

Step 2

Download the list of documents needed for Bond License.

Step 3

 Collect applicable all documents needed.

Step 4

Fill up the Bond License Application form correctly. If needed, you can consult with Bond License Branch.

Step 5

 Submit application form with all documents. During submission, ensure that concern receiving officer checked the application and write comment "All documents submitted along with application" on your received copy and give a

receive number on it.

Step 6

Take the date and time of visit to the applicant’s premises to see the factory facilities and information provided by the applicant .

Step 7

If any wanting is there, please provide it as early as possible to get the license in short period of time.

Step 8

After inspection, officers will submit a report. It should be approved by Commissioner.

Step 9

After getting approval from Commissioner, please collect License Form and back it after typing information on it.

Step 10

Submits appropriate fees and General Bond.

Step 11

Then appear all directors/partners/proprietor in person before officer in charge for signing the License.

Step 11

Receives the Bond Licenses


Official Time Limit: 15 days

License Fee: BDT 10000, VAT 1500  

Process Map

CategoryCustoms Commissionerate

The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
This form is required to apply for the Bond License. Bond License is issued and maintained by Bonded Warehouse Licensing Rules, 2008. The form will be submitted to the Customs Bond Commissionerate Office. Click the PDF mark to view or download the Form09-10-201709-10-2017Bangladesh CustomsThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
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