The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.

Salubrity /Health Certificate

View Procedure

Procedure NameSalubrity /Health Certificate

Category                                                          : Certificate

Renewal Frequency of the License              : Not required

Issuing Ministry                                              : Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

Incumbent Office                                            : Department of Fisheries (DOF)
              Address: Matshya Bhaban, Romna, Dhaka-1000 
              Phone: +88-02-9562861
              Fax: +88-02-9568393


Legal Basis of the certificate: Fish and Fish products (Inspection and Quality Control) Rules, 1997

Issuance of Salubrity /Health Certificate


Required documents




in the Letter Head pad


Traceability Document



Suppliers’ Certificate   



Description of the product   



Packing List   


Process Steps

Step 1

Apply in a paper for testing of any consignment to be exported.  

Step 2

Gathers the required documents and attaches them with Application.    

Step 3

Submits the Application to the Fish Inspection and Quality Control Office, Department of Fisheries.

Step 4

Deputy Director (DD) receives and sees the Application.

Step 5

DD sends the Application to the Inspector.

Step 6

Inspector verifies the Application and documents. 

Step 7

Inspector conducts inspection and submits a report to the Quality Control Officer.

Step 8

Inspector collects samples at the time of inspection and submits report after inspection to DD

Step 9

Quality Control Officer sends the samples to the lab

Step 10

Lab conducts the test

Step 11

Lab officer submits test report to the Deputy Director

Step 12

Quality Control Officer and Inspector verifies the lab report and recommend for Certificate

Step 13

Deputy Director approves the Application

Step 14

Application collects the Certificate form the concerned Section

Approximate Processing Time for issuing the allotment: 15 days

Process Map


CategoryDepartment of Fisheries (DOF)

The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Application form for Salubrity Certificate for Fish Export will be submitted to the Deputy Director, Fish Inspector and Quality Control, Department of Fisheries Dhaka/Chittagong/Khulna-approximately 10 days before the date of shipment.19-08-201509-10-2017Ministry of Fisheries and LivestockThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Required Certificate for importing Poultry and BirdsCertificate RequirementMinistry of Fisheries and LivestockIn case of import of poultry and birds, a certificate to the effect that those are free from Avian Influenza issued by the appropriate authority of the exporting countries shall have to be submitted to the Customs authorityRequired Certificate for importing Poultry and BirdsImport Policy Order 2015-1830-06-2018Good
Health Certificate required for Fish and Fish ProductsHeath CertificateMinistry of Fisheries and Livestock(a) The imported fish feed must be free from harmful medicines, hormone and steroid including chloromphenicol and Nitrofuran; (b) In case of import of poultry feed and animal feed ingredients are to be inscribed on its packet and a certificate issued by competent authority of the exporting country to the effect that such feed items are free from chloromphenicol, Nitrofuran and Melamine is to be submitted1. (c) The imported goods are free from harmful chloromphenicol & Nitrofuran including Antibiotic; (d) The imported goods are free from by-product of swine; (e) the imported goods are free from Melamine. Health Certificate required for Fish and Fish ProductsImport Policy Order 2015-1830-06-2018Good
Radiation Test to import fish feed, poultry feed and animal feed itemsRadioactivity TestMinistry of Fisheries and LivestockAdditional terms and conditions to be applicable for the import of fish feed, poultry feed and animal feed items. --- In case of import of fish feed, poultry feed and animal feed items, the shipping documents must be accompanied by radioactivity-test reports from the competent authority of the exporting country and a certificate to the effect that the items are fit for consumption by fish, poultry or animal as the case may be and the radioactivity-test report must clearly indicate the level of CS-137 found in such radioactivity-test in each kilogram of the items. Radiation Test to import fish feed, poultry feed and animal feed itemsImport Policy Order 2015-1830-06-2018Good