The Bangladesh Trade Portal (BTP) is an official source of all regulatory information relevant to traders who wish to import goods into Bangladesh or export to other countries. The Ministry of Commerce of the Bangladesh Government has established the Portal in order to improve the predictability and transparency of the country’s trading laws and processes.


90 Chapter 90 - Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof

Sub Chapter
9018 Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro- medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments.

Sub Heading
901890 - Other instruments and appliances:

90189010 Biology Boxes



Displaying 1-7 of 7 result(s).
Country GroupGroup DescriptionActivityTariff RateUnitValid FromValid To
CDCustoms DutyImport5%u01-07-202430-06-2025
SDSupplementary DutyImport0%u01-07-202430-06-2025
VATValue Added TaxImport15%u01-07-202430-06-2025
AITAdvance Income TaxImport5%u01-07-202430-06-2025
ATAdvance TaxImport5%u01-07-202430-06-2025
RDRegulatory DutyImport0%u01-07-202430-06-2025



Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Approval required to import Bandage (sterile surgical) Approval Directorate General of Drug Administration Bandage (sterile surgical) classified under H.S. Code No.3005.90 and H.S. Heading No. 30.05, composite diagnostics (in vivo) classified under H.S. Code No. 3822.00 and H.S. Heading No. 38.22, syringe (with or without disposable needle) in blister pack or in ribbon pack classified under H.S. Code No. 9018.31 and H.S. Heading No. 90.18 and blood bags (sterile) for transfusion classified under H.S. Code No. 9018.90 and H.S. Heading No. 90.18 and Complete Infusion Set classified under HS Code No. 9018.39.10 are importable on permission of Drug Administration and subject to the conditions mentioned in para 23(6) and 25(16) of this order. Bandage (sterile surgical) classified under H.S. Code No.3005.90 and H.S. Heading No. 30.05, composite diagnostics (in vivo) classified under H.S. Code No. 3822.00 and H.S. Heading No. 38.22, syringe (with or without disposable needle) in blister pack or in ribbon pack classified under H.S. Code No. 9018.31 and H.S. Heading No. 90.18 and blood bags (sterile) for transfusion classified under H.S. Code No. 9018.90 and H.S. Heading No. 90.18 and Complete Infusion Set classified under HS Code No. 9018.39.10 are importable on permission of Drug Administration and subject to the conditions mentioned in para 23(6) and 25(16) of this order. Import Policy Order 2015-18 30-06-2018