Updated on : 23-04-2024
The proposed maximum residue limit (PMRL) document for tolpyralate notified in G/SPS/N/CAN/1543 (dated 23 January 2024) was adopted 17 April 2024. The proposed MRLs were established via entry into the Maximum Residue Limits Database and are provided directly below: MRL (ppm)1 Raw Agricultural Commodity (RAC) and/or Processed Commodity0.01 Barley, wheat1 ppm = parts per millionMRLs established in Canada may be found using Health Canada’s Maximum Residue Limit Databasehttps://pest-control.canada.ca/pesticide-registry/en/mrl-search.html) on the Maximum residue limits, human health, and food safety webpage (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/consumer-product-safety/pesticides-pest-management/public/protecting-your-health-environment/pesticides-food/maximum-residue-limits-pesticides.html). The database allows users to search for pesticides or for food commodities.